
Social Media

For small businesses it’s hard to find time in your day to do social media. That’s why we do it for you! At MCP, we create a social media marketing strategy and then post content on various social media platforms on your behalf.


Not on social already? That’s ok. Now is the time to start! Did you know that there are 1.44 billion active users on Facebook? Or how about 42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or important to their business? Social media is always changing and adapting and it’s important to stay on top of it- for example Instagram grew 50% over 9 months and is now larger than Twitter! MCP will track these trends and fully optimize your social media.


Social media is changing how companies develop their marketing strategies. For the first time in 2013, marketers spent more to advertise on the Internet (over $42 billion dollars) than they did in broadcast television and 78% of companies now have a designated social media team. Customers are more likely to buy a product or service is the company is on social media. MCP will make social media marketing less daunting and help you find what works best for your company.



Internet Users


Social Media Accounts


Mobile Users


Mobile Social Media Accounts

Email Campaigns and Press Releases

According to this study, email is by far the most effective mobile marketing trigger of purchases. 55% of smartphone users have made at least one purchase after receiving a mobile promotional email. Email blasts and press releases garner publicity across radio, TV, print, and online outlets, thus increasing brand and news awareness. Online news releases increase traffic on the company’s website and drive sales.


MCP Interactive is the right company to choose for your press release and email blast needs. We use a sophisticated  software database that continuously updates to specifically and quickly choose the most relevant reporters to your company’s brand. This allows MCP to distribute press releases and email blasts all over the world or in specific locations of choice. We have the resources needed to find the right influencers, tell your company’s story and track it, reach new audiences, and analyze the impact of the press releases. Additionally, we have a huge media database focusing on a wide variety of subjects helps us find the right editors, bloggers, journalists, etc. to contact.


We can write press releases, but they are the most effective when written by the client since they know their company better than anyone.